Study your master’s degree at Monash University
( Australia – Melbourne)

with TEDUCAGroup


Overview and Rankings

Established in 1958, Monash University is the largest university in Australia,and among the most highly-regarded in the world. Monash students leave with a greater sense of purpose, a global outlook, and the skills and confidence to make positive change – to their own lives, and to the lives of those around them.

21st World most international universities (times higher education 2017)

28th at Reutres Top 75: Asia’s most innovative universities

6th place in the most important australian universities

QS rank and the 59th place in the worldwide

Research Excellence: is ranked like “ well above world standard” in fields of:

Chemistry, Engineering, Economics, History, Laws, Medical and health Sciences, Philosophy and religion, Business and Technology.

Live on Campus

Live on campus at Monash for a convenient, focused and supportive environment designed to allow the disciplined study necessary to complete a graduate-level course.

Monash Residential Services offer specific floors dedicated to graduate students. Some buildings have dedicated graduate lounges and other facilities that foster collegiality and recognise the needs of our more mature students.

The Masters Fields

Art Design and Architecture

Arts, Humanities and social sciences




Information Technology


Medicine, nursing and health Sciences


Our strongest masters (PDFs)

Monash Study Grants for Colombian students

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